Saturday, March 2


extraordinary ♥ God created each of us with our own unique gifts and talents. Everyone is able to live their dreams and have a successful life, but not everyone gets the chance to do so. The difference between being ordinary and extraordinary depends on you. If you have big dreams, you must work hard to achieve them. Go ahead with the visions and dreams that the Lord has given to you. The spirit of fear is a trick from the devil that will allow you to think that you cannot do what the Lord has already given you the strength tho do. What God puts in you can only come forth if you allow it to. Don't hold back. Dream big. Work hard. Don't let doubts get in your way. The only way to achieve greatness is to step out in faith that the Lord will help you to accomplish the challenges ahead. Luke 1:37 says that nothing is impossible with God. Philippians 4:13 says that "I can do all things through Him that strengthens me." With faith in God, consistency, and hard work, no dream is unattainable. Always try your hardest and strive for excellence in everything that you do. When you work hard to please God, others will be blessed and God will get the glory.