Friday, May 17

Circle of Friends

It would be a perfect world if everyone we knew would just get along. However, the truth of the matter is everyone has different personalities, ideas, and beliefs that sometime make it hard for the ones we love most to see eye to eye. As Pretty Girls, we know that the bible teaches us that we are to love everyone, despite our differences (Luke 6:27). Even though we love everyone with the love of Christ, we must also use wisdom in who we choose to call our "friends". Everyone you know may not have your best interest in mind. The power of words can build you up or tear you down (Proverbs 18:21). It is important that the people around you are speaking good things and encouraging words to help make you a better person. Those who gossip, lie, and slander others will have to answer to God. Ephesians 4:29 reminds us that no corrupt talk should come from our mouths, only good words that build others up. Be aware of those who you interact with, and do not pick up any bad habits that wouldn't be pleasing in God's eyes (Psalm 19:14). You have a right to choose your friends. You can choose what information you decide to share about yourself. You are a daughter of God, and you deserve to be loved and respected by everyone around you - even your friends.