Friday, January 25

You Are Extraordinary

There is no one on this earth that knows you better than you know yourself. You know your thoughts and you know how you feel at every moment of every day. You know your past and you have memories that no one will ever be able to replace. But guess what? God knows you even better than you know yourself. He knows how you feel right now, and He knows who you will become in 20 years. God even knows what we will do before we do it. The plans that God have for our life are so exceptional and extraordinary, that He can only tell us His plans for us in pieces. It is our job to trust Him, and not stray away from what God wants us to do. Only then will we be able to receive all that God has for us. 
Do you know what God says about you?
I am beautiful. The bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Everything that God created is beautiful in its own way. God shaped you in your mother’s womb and formed you with His hands just the way he wanted. You are a beautiful to Him. You are unique in every way and God created you that way for a reason. Everything about you is good, so be thankful to the Lord for who you are (1 timothy 4:4). I am strong. God has given us power to defeat our enemies and anything else that tries to hurt or harm us (Luke 10:19). There is no reason to be afraid of anything or anyone. A conqueror is winner that has the power to demolish his enemies. God has created you to be more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37). We were not created to be afraid or live our lives in fear. I am confident. You can be bold, confident and fearless with God’s help (Ephesians 3:12). Anything is possible when you allow God to strengthen you (Philippians 4:13). 

There are so many things to be grateful to God for. Start by thanking God for making you the Pretty Girl that you are today.