Friday, February 8

Do Your Best

David A. BednarThe greatest thing in life that we can do is to be the best version of ourselves we can possibly be. Embrace whatever it is that you are good at. Don't compare yourself to others - you are you for a reason. Many people have different talents and gifts; each one of us are unique in our own way. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses - none of us were designed to be exactly alike. As Pretty Girls, it is our job to be confident in who God created us to be. The bible says that God has given us talents and gifts, and it's our job  to use those talents and gifts to help one another (1 Peter 4:10). As Christians, we represent Jesus Christ with how we live our lives. Everything that we do should be done with a happy heart and with spirit of excellence - no matter how big or small the task. If you are good at cleaning floors, clean the floors with a smile on your face. If you like to sing, sing with a happy heart. Whatever God has blessed you to be able to do, always strive to do your best at it.