Friday, February 8

Be A Real Friend

People of Good QualityLuke 6:31
"Treat others just as you want to be treated."

It is easy to be nice to the people we call our friends. It is not hard to return a simple "hello" to the stranger that walks past on the sidewalk. It is even quite simple to say "thank you" to someone who holds the door open for you. But how easy is it to be kind to those who we you know don't like us? How painless is it to do something nice for someone who intentionally hurts us? Pretty Girls have integrity, which means we treat others with love and respect - no matter what they have done or did to us. The bible says that we need to treat others the way we want to be treated. If someone is mean or rude to you, God sees and knows all, and He will take care of that person (Romans 12:19). In any relationship, we must first treat people the way we would want them to treat us. The first step to finding a good friend is to first start off by being a great friend.    

Read More Here: 10 Rules To Be A Good Friend